Whenever I am away from urban light pollution I take walks in woodland areas as the sun sets. Observing how the fading light turns into complete darkness, I watch how the strong contrasting tones of bright light subside and become diffused. Soon a soft colour palette presents itself, one which is derived from shadows rather than forms, dimness rather than clarity.
This small series of works presented here is a result of my evening meanderings. I seek to capture the diminishing light as well as the encroaching shadows as they quietly surround me. Depth of field becomes very narrow, and navigation relies on other senses rather than my diminishing sight.
Daemmerung III | Polymers on board unframed | 50cm x 50 cm | $1,200 AUD
Daemmerung IV | Polymers on board unframed | 60cm x 60 cm | $1,200 AUD
Daemmerung I, 152x152cm, polymers on canvas. SOLD
Daemmerung II 112x120cm polymers on canvas, $4000 AUD